Wella Welloxon Perfect ME+ Creme Peroxides 1L
Wella Welloxon Perfect Creme Peroxide ME+
Wella Welloxon Perfect Creme Peroxide ME+ is the creme developer designed for use with Wella Koleston Perfect ME+ Permanent Hair Colour, with the optimal consistency allowing you to get the best results out of your Wella hair colour product.
The creme peroxide is formulated for fast, easy mixing with excellent adhesion to foils and precise application. Wella Welloxon Perfect ME+ Creme Peroxide allows you to know your exact colourisation results before applying, with Wella’s incredible consistent accuracy.
Welloxon Peroxide works with Koleston Perfect colour creme to fully develop your hairs molecular potential to achieve spectacular colourisation results.
How to use:
• Mix the peroxide of your choice with a colour creme or lightener in the manufacturer’s recommended ratio
○ Koleston Perfect ME+ Pure Natural, Rich Natural, Vibrant Red, Deep Brown – 1:1
○ Koleston Perfect ME+ Special Blonde – 1:2 ratio (60g Koleston Perfect ME+ : 120ml Welloxon Perfect Developer)
○ For other brands please consult colour manufacturer’s recommendations
• Apply to hair
• Leave for manufacturer’s recommended period of time
○ Koleston Perfect ME+ – 15-20 minutes with heat, 30-40 minutes without heat
○ For other brands please consult colour manufacturer’s recommendations
With over 135 years in the industry, Wella are industry leaders in hair care, hair styling and hair colour treatment products. Wella’s portfolio boasts products designed for both home and professional use. Advanced technology included in Wella products enables ease of product application, leading to a more pleasant and more effective.